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How To Dilute Essential Oils with Coconut Oil

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I am a big believer in using more natural approaches, approaches closer to what nature has provided us, to heal the body.

I’ve read many studies showing the healing abilities of essential oils, but I’ve never been able to put their use into consistent practice in my home, due to fear.

Fear that I would use too much and cause a reaction of some sort.

Fear that I would use too much and waste money. Fear that I wouldn’t use enough to do anything, and now I’m wasting time and money. I’m sure I have more fears, but you get the idea.

Essential Oils Dilution GuidePin

My oils just sit in my cupboard, while my family goes though runny nose after runny nose, tummy aches, growing pains, scraps and more.

And the only fear that comes to fruition is that fact that I am wasting money. And none I get the guilt that I could be helping my family, improving our quality of life but I’m not, I haven’t.

Most my oils are from Doterra, so why not just ask my upline or better yet, just follow the recipes I was given when I signed up?

Because I can’t blindly follow what someone else said, it’s just not me. I have to Google everything.

Where do they get their information, do I trust their knowledge?

Also, I’ve sporadically read about using essential oils for the last 16 years.

In fact, I was so interested in learning more about the use of oils that the first online business I started was an aromatherapy eCommerce shop.

The dilution ratios recommend to me by my rep always feel extremely high.

Especially when asking for advice on dilution for my 13 month old.

So why not use the dilution ratio I’m comfortable with?

Easier said than done. My rep recommended a 1:5 – 1:6 dilution ration. A 20% to 16% dilution ration.

How do you do that? My coconut oil doesn’t do drops. My olive oil doesn’t do drops either.

For oil application, I have found roller bottles are awesome. I have 5 ml and 10 ml roller bottles to work with.

I have looked everywhere for simply how many drops to put in a 5 ml bottle to get a certain percentage dilution, but nothing.

Finally, expressing my extreme frustration to a friend, I had been trying to figure it out myself by finding out roughly how many drops of oil to a teaspoon and my head was hurting.

My wonderful friend Deanne Dietz at the Healthy Root sent me her dilution guide.

A chart with exactly what I’d been looking for. The exact number of drops for each 5 ml and 10 ml bottles in ratios as low as 5%, the recommended ratios with by everyone, except maybe the MLM essential oil companies.

My rep said these numbers are extremely conservative and it’s really just a skin sensitivity issue, so if you notice they don’t have a skin reaction at lower dilution, especially if you are applying to the feet then you can go higher.

Which brings me back to what is the optimal dilution ratio?

I think the chart is a good spot to start.

If it really was just a sensitivity issue, then why not bathe in essential oils.

Could it be the MLM companies have a vested interest in you going through your oils faster than necessary or will you really get more optimal results with a much higher dilution ratio?

You’ll have to decide for yourself. Trial and error.

Dilution Chart

% 5 ml Bottle 10 ml Bottle Age
0.5% > 1 drop 1 drop 0-12 months
1% 1.5 drops 3 drops 0-12 months
2% 3 drops 6 drops 1 – 5 years
3% 4.5 drops 9 drops 1 – 5 years
4% 6 drops 12 drops 1 – 5 years
5% 7.5 drops 15 drops  6+ years
10% 15 drops 30 drops  6+ years


2 thoughts on “How To Dilute Essential Oils with Coconut Oil”

  1. I am still a bit confused? Say I put coconut oil in a 10ml jar…………how many drops of the essential oil should I add?
    Also is it necessary to store the blend before using it?
    Many thanks,

    1. If you are using a 10 ml jar and you wanted say a 5% dilution you would look at the chart and under 10 ml is says 15 drops of oil. So you would put in your 15 drops and fill the rest of the bottle with coconut oil. Then just shake it up and it’s good to go. For storage just keep it out of direct sunlight.

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