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Tabata Workouts for Beginners: 10 Workouts for Fast Weight Loss

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Tabata for Beginners: 10 Tabata Workouts That Increase Your Fat Loss

YouTube is full of amazing free Tabata workouts that will take your fat burning and fat loss to the next level.

Switch from workout to workout for variety or keep with a workout that best fits your style and time availability.

4-Minute Fat Burning Workout | Tabata for Beginners

Each exercise in a given Tabata workout lasts only four minutes, but it’s likely to be one of the longest four minutes you’ve ever endured.

12-Minute Lower Body HIIT Workout – 3 Tabata Supersets, No Equipment Needed

This 12-minute tabata superset workout will target your legs and butt (with a good dose of cardio!). It’s the second workout in a series of quick bodyweight HIIT workouts that you can do anywhere.

15 Minute Fat Burning TABATA Workout | The Body Coach

Here’s something a little different. A Tabata style workout. 4 rounds | 7 exercises | 20 seconds work | 10 seconds rest

Tabata – Full Body | Ultimate 4 Minute Workout

More Tabata to great music from Ministry Of Sound. This tabata will work your full body, get your heart pumping, fat burning and leave you feeling invigorated.

Tabata Kettlebell Workout: Strength Training for Fat Loss (w/ Inger Houghton)

I love the music on this one.

You can find the playlist on Spotify.

40 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout 🔥Burn 475 Calories! 🔥

For you have move time and want to burn even more calories!

Tabata Routine: Get Lean In 4 Minutes Tabata Workout

Give this 4 minute tabata routine a try. If you’re more experienced, follow the exercises from round 1 for a total of two circuits. If you’re a beginner, follow the exercises from round 2 for a total of two circuits.

25 Minute Tabata workout

This workout features five 4 minute tabata rounds (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) with a minute in between. High Intensity Interval training with options for all levels.

If you’re interested in HIIT or simply want to enhance your existing fitness regimen, Tabata training is a fantastic tool that can give you amazing results. So give it a try and see if Tabata training is suitable for you.

10 Workouts for Fast Weight Loss - Tabata

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