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10 Curly Girl Approved Products Under $10

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Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. As an Amazon Associate I also earn from qualifying purchases.

I’ve loved the idea of the Curly Girl Method ever since my sister told me she was doing it and I should too.

If you have curly hair, you know the love hate relationship with your hair.


It makes sense. Our hair was not meant to be stripped of oil, shampooing daily.

Applying heat regularly, is going to be very damaging.

Layering products over products, day in and day out, is going to leave build up and residue, and dry the crap out of your hair.

If we want our hair to look it’s best, we need to be nicer to it.

But I have oily hair.

Well… I have oily and dry hair, I feel like when I go to long without washing it, the top of my head looks like I brushed it with oil and the ends start to look great.

To which my sister said, “Well, no….. you can still use certain products that don’t contain harsh chemicals and are gentle on the hair, you’re still washing it”.

Ok, I’m am 100% for chemical free, organic everything but it also has to be convenient, affordable and awesome.

By convenient I mean, arriving same day or next day by Amazon.

No one should be risking their lives shopping for any hair products.

Whether your worried about getting covid-19 or not, it’s a little crazy out there.

There was a guy who apparently started shooting after he was told he couldn’t come in a store unless he put a mask on.


The Best Materials for Your DIY Masks #Masks4All

And, again whether you think mandatory masks are right or wrong, it’s fair to say, that pulling out a gun and shooting is not an appropriate response.

But I digress.


I have a family of five here. I don’t want to spend a huge amount of money on a tiny little bottle, that becomes only my bottle.

I want to spread the organic, free of harsh chemicals love, on to everyone in the house.

Before covid started, I was trying to get my vitamin d up in the winter.

I decided to go tanning.

I didn’t have any tanning moisturizing lotion, so I bought a bottle at the salon.

It was $68!

When my partner asks if he can borrow my moisturizing lotion, I say, “Sure, but remember that’s a $68 dollar bottle right there, use the appropriate amount!”


He normally goes and finds another bottle.

I also want to see some pretty good reviews.

It can’t perform like most the chemical free, organic deodorants I’ve tried.

Which I can now say, after spending many days at home with myself, not using any deodorant or antiperspirant, chemical free, organic deodorant does actually work a little better then nothing at all.

But not enough. For me.


Is all this to much ask?

I will soon be finding out as I’m going to try some of Steph’s Wavy Curls recommendations of Curly Girl approved products under $10.

But first I need to read the reviews.

1. Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel

Ok, I’m a huge Amazon review reader.

Even when I’m physically at a store about to buy a product, I’m going on Amazon to see what people are saying.

77% of people gave the product a 5 star review, BUT one review said, “BEWARE!! Don’t buy!!”

She said it actually started to make her hair fall out and created bald spots. And two or three others said all it did was dry out their hair.

I’m not an expert as to what is and isn’t allowed in the Curly Girl Method, but C1 19140 Yellow 5, probably isn’t necessary in styling hair.

Probably not going to buy.

It might not have been the product at all that was the cause of her hair falling out, but no need to take that risk when there are so many other products.

2. Aussie instant freeze gel

This is one is looking pretty good.

I got this because I read it’s curly girl approved, and whoa! I love it! I use this in between the Shea moistire curl milk and Cantu curl activator cream and my curls have never been more defined and gorgeous. I have a good hair day every single day. My 3b/3c curls be poppin!

Although another review said it wasn’t all that great for 2a/2b curls.

I need to figure out what kind of curls I have.

Ok…..I got it. I’m like a 2C/3A curl.

Curly Hair Guide: What’s YOUR Curl Pattern?

I might try this one. I’ve used and liked Aussie products in the past.

And it has no yellow dye, which is always a plus.

But it does have Benzly Alcohol in it.

I though alcohol was a no, no in the Curly Girl Method?

Benzyl alcohol is a non-volatile alcohol used as a preservative in products. It should not impact the texture or feel of your hair.

Good to know.

3. Garnier Fructis Finishing Paste

After listening to Steph’s review, I really want to try this out.

When someone says, “I’m obsessed with this product”.

Alarms go off in my brain. I want to be obsessed too.


A number of the Garner products actually look pretty good.

I’m thinking, I want to try the Garnier Fructis Style Pure Clean Styling Gel

4. General Value Products Conditioning Balm

Another favorite of Steph’s, I’m going to give this a try.

I actually couldn’t find this for under $10 on Amazon. So you might be able to get it cheaper at Target.

Most of the reviews are amazing.

I love this conditioner so much. I read reviews of this from fellow curly girls on Facebook and thought to give it a try. It is so worth every penny and works amazingly! Keeps my hair soft, moisturized and shiny.

5. Eden Body Works Co-wash

What is a Co-wash?

Co wash is washing your hair with a conditioner cleaner.

So it’s more of a conditioner with a bit of cleaner to help remove residue.

It has some great reviews but I will not be buying this product.

I have a problem with products that you stick your fingers in.


6. Amparo Vitamin e Oil

Not 100% sold on this one.

The reviews are good.

If you just need a tiny bit of oil to break the crunch, I’m gonna try a bit of olive oil.


Sure….coconut oil would probably work too.

7. Garnier Fructis Smoothing Spray Zero Silicones

Ok, honestly… I’m getting product overwhelmed here.

How many different products does Steph use on her hair.

She does have amazing looking hair.

I’m assuming she doesn’t use them all at the same time and varies based on what she needs that day?

My current routine is shampoo, conditioner, gel. That is it.

That’s probably why my average hair day looks like this:


8. Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Boosting Mousse

I’ve tried mousse a number of times.

I prefer a nice hard cast that gel produces. Can’t have to much hair gel.


9. Eden Body Works Coconut Leave In

I would have have said no to leave in conditioner before.

But after watching the video below on how to get more volume, I think I’ve just been using these products wrong.

My ends could use this for sure.

10. All Shea Moisture

The last product recommended was actually a whole a brand of products. All Shea Moisture.

The reviews are very consistent across all the products which is pretty telling of the brand quality.

I can’t wait to try a few of these.

I’m hoping that by using the Curly Girl approved products and following the do’s and don’ts in the video below, my hair health will start to improve and be more imaginable.

Curly Hair Styling Mistakes To Avoid + Tips For Volume & Definition (Air-Dry)

When I style my hair, it definitely looks like the right side in this video.

I liked it, except for the lack of volume at the roots.

That always bugs me, especially when I see it in photos.

It drives me crazy!

But now seeing all the mistakes I was making in applying product and air drying, I’m very hopeful that I can add a lot more volume to those roots.

Be sure to watch Mell’s video above. She is the best.

If you have some Curly Girl products you love, I mean LOVE! post about them in the comments below.

If you are following the Curly Girl method, let us know how it’s going for you.

If you want to share your Curly Girl method journey or story, if you have any before and afters, I would love to highlight you on the site.

I hope you enjoyed this article, Mell’s awesome volume tips and Steph’s recommendations.

Enjoy the Journey.


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1 thought on “10 Curly Girl Approved Products Under $10”

  1. Too many have no knowledge of the fact that scalp therapy shampoos for fast hair growth (of course with no sulfates, no parabens, no DEA) are even a thing. We all are now able to attain longer hair and enjoy more possibilities. Definitely worth looking into it.

    Whether you’re considering alopecia, hair damage, avoiding hair disorders, hair growth, hair and scalp care more often than not, very similar principles come to mind.

    Generally, you should try to stay away from hair treatments and products that use chemicals such as parabens, DEA and sulfates.

    What is beneficial for your hair is beneficial for your skin as well.

    For obvious reasons the content here hits the nail in the head for multiple reasons. It avoids the common traps and errors so many fall into- getting defective alternatives. Thank you!

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