
Just like spring cleaning and lawn maintenance, a regular check-in with our health should be an important part of every adult’s routine. But let’s face it – taking care of ourselves can sometimes get pushed to the back burner when we’re juggling work and family obligations. So how do busy adults find the time to focus on their health without missing out on all the other activities life offers? Let’s explore some new tips and tricks for staying healthy – no matter how chaotic your schedule may get!

lady sitting on the couch with lower back pain

5 Natural Pain Killers That Work

Share this Image On Your Site </p><br /> <p><strong>Please include attribution to with this graphic.</strong></p><br /> <p><a href=’’><img src=’’ alt=’5 Natural Pain Killers’ width=’1200px’ border=’0′ /></a></p><br /> <p> Whether it is toothache, sore muscles, or a headache, you need to find an immediate treatment even before it gets worse. Fortunately, you do not have […]

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man eating off a plate of food with bacon toast avocado and fruit

How To Bake Bacon

Did you know that 40,500 people, on average, search for “How To Bake Bacon”, each month?!?! I can’t believe we’ve never done this yet. We have bacon every Sunday. 🙂 I’ll ask Steve if this is something he wants to try. It look like much less mess then the way we normally cook it and

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bowls of fruits and nuts on a table

Fruit Nut Wrap

As soon as I saw this recipe I knew I’d be making this for myself and the kids. My 3 and 5 year old are still very hesitant about foods being mixed together, so I still had to lay down the parental law and tell them they each had to eat half a very small

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