
Do you feel like motivation is a fleeting emotion that only visits us between the hours of 8am and 12pm? Do you struggle to hold onto it long enough to get anything done, or are you constantly chasing it around from one day to the next? We’ve all been there—that feeling of total exhaustion even when we know our biggest goal should be within reach. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—we have some ideas on how to motivate yourself more effectively and make your dreams come true.

Writing Powerful Personal Mission Statements for Students 

A personal mission statement is a powerful tool that can have a positive impact on your life and future. It is a brief statement that defines the essence of who you are, what you do, and why it’s important. Writing a personal mission statement is not only empowering, but also exciting. It’s an exercise in

Writing Powerful Personal Mission Statements for Students  Read More »

Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement as a Christian 

A personal mission statement is a declaration of what you want to be, do, and have in life. It’s a powerful tool that helps guide your decisions, big or small. As Christians, there is an added layer because our personal mission statements should align with the will of God and reflect his teachings. So how

Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement as a Christian  Read More »

person coloring with coffee and book beside them

Heart Coloring Pages – Motivational

Enjoy our free printable heart coloring pages. We hope you love the intricate illustrations and motivational sayings, perfectly themed for Valentine’s Day. Show yourself some love by taking a little self-care quiet time, letting your creativity emerge. The most important thing in life is self-care, and coloring takes care of your mental health. In this

Heart Coloring Pages – Motivational Read More »

lady sitting on grass journaling

The Freedom Journal

Have you heard of the Freedom Journal? I am so excited to share this with you! John Lee Dumas, the founder of The Freedom Journal interviewed hundreds and created a step-by-step method for success. He has set up a step-by-step guide on how anyone can achieve their goal within 100 days through his journal by

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89+ Weight Loss Motivation Quotes Awesome #weightloss #motivation

Losing weight can be hard, but it’s even harder when you’re not motivated. The good news is that there are lots of ways to get motivated and stay on track with your dieting goals. There are plenty of apps, books, and other resources out there that will help keep you focused on losing weight. But

89+ Weight Loss Motivation Quotes Awesome #weightloss #motivation Read More »

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