Self Improvement

Do you ever find yourself feeling stagnant and uninspired, like the days are just passing by? Believe it or not, feeling this way is common among adults. Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs our way, leaving us to figure out how to pick ourselves up and move on. If you’re in need of a self-improvement boost, then you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for helpful advice and tips that will help guide your journey towards personal growth and contentment.

lady short hair blue eye shadow and lipstick blowing snow flakes

Forget New Years Resolutions – Choose One Word Instead

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember a few weeks from now anyway! Choose just one word. It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you. It will become the compass that directs your decisions […]

Forget New Years Resolutions – Choose One Word Instead Read More »

an nfl football and minute figurine of tom brady

Talent vs Determination ~ What Makes You the Greatest? Why Tom Brady Inspires Me

By Steve Gaul Tom Brady is arguably the Greatest NFL Quarter Back of all time.  His Jersey is the highest selling NFL Jersey in history, making him one of the most popular players ever. However, he is also the most hated. He is the guy people love to hate.  He’s the most decorated football player

Talent vs Determination ~ What Makes You the Greatest? Why Tom Brady Inspires Me Read More »

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