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Forget New Years Resolutions – Choose One Word Instead

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Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember a few weeks from now anyway!

Choose just one word.

It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you.

It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps.

Focus on being rather than doing.

Different than resolutions, your one word isn’t a constant reminder of what you “should be doing”.

Instead, it stands to inspire how you want to live.

Think about who you want to be, and choose a word that will help you become that. Read more…

A word can’t be broken. It serves as a reminder; a filter. It’s who you want to be instead of what you regret.

Even though I’ve been pretty much making the same New Years resolutions for the last 20 years, I still enjoy making them.

There is something uplifting about a new beginning. The beginning of a year is a natural time to envision change, harness momentum and make a push for new standards.

My New Year’s resolutions are now more of a quarterly review using the 12 week year planning model, along with choosing a single word to provide clarity and focus.

The problem with New Year’s resolutions is that in a round about way we tend to put our focus on what we don’t want, rather than what we do want.

If I say that in 2018 I want to earn more money and lose some weight, as the New Year starts my focus will be on the lack of money and the lack of weight loss, until I get more money or lose some weight.

The things we focus on tend to expand in our life.

If instead I decided yes, I would like more money and I would like to lose some weight, and to do that I have some habits I’ve identified I need to do consistently, so my focus for the year is simply going to be the word “Consistent”, I’m now free to focus on the habits that get the goal, instead of focusing on the lack of having the goal.

That word will guide me through the year as a reminder to be consistent.

It will also remind me when I’m not being consistent giving me the opportunity to become more consistent.

Focusing on a “being” word brings about a different effect than if you tried to focus on a having word.

Our resolutions seldom work because they are based on the type of person we’re tired of being…. resolutions can be “broken,” leaving no room for the process of growth. Read more…

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