Have you embraced the simplicity of a capsule wardrobe yet?
If not check out my capsule wardrobe review.
If you have, then it’s time to start planning your fall wardrobe.
Sadly and reluctantly put away some summer outfits, then in the vibrant, crisp spirit of fall, pull out or add some freshness to your wardrobe.
I’m at an interesting transition for the fall 3 month capsule wardrobe.
Being 38 weeks pregnant, I may need to change up my fall wardrobe a few weeks after delivery, but I’m going to do my best to create a wardrobe that will work for the 3 months.
I love my maternity clothes, so I’m in no rush to toss them out of wardrobe rotation. #maternityjeansrock
If you need a little inspiration for your fall wardrobe and a little comfort in seeing just how many outfits 37 items can create, check out The Fall Look Book from Un-Fancy – Fall Outfits.

It’s funny, I still feel the anxiety of not picking the right pieces of clothing, I still feel like 37 items cannot be enough, what if it doesn’t work?
It’s as if my brain thinks I’ve tossed all the rest of the clothes in the garbage and I don’t have any money to buy anything else.
Dear Brain:
- It will work, and it will work wonderfully just like summer did.
- All the rest of your clothes, that you probably never wear again but are still afraid to get rid of, are still upstairs in bags, in your closet. Breath.
- You can still go out and buy new clothes.
Check out Caroline Joy’s Pinterest board for Fall/Winter style ideas.