lady cutting her own hair

How To Cut Hair @ Home – Online Course Coming Soon!

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Not sure how you are going to handle hair cuts in isolation? Now is a great time to pick up a new skill. A skill that will save you time and money when this is all over. What better then a professionally taught course on how to cut hair, with tips and tricks for those with sensory issues.

We’ve online been self isolating for three weeks now, and it really hasn’t been so bad. But knowing that this is far from over, I’m starting to think about things I’m not qualified to do. 

I’m also starting to see those memes go around about what our kids 2020 back to school photos are going to look like. 


Yes, I do cut my own hair using the ponytail method, and I could try it on my girls hair if they really wanted me to.  My concern is not for us girls, although it would be awesome to have the ability to cut my families hair with some competency.

I’m worried for my little guy.

5 Easy DIY Ponytail Haircuts [Infographic]
5 Easy DIY A Line Bob Ponytail Haircuts

I would just let his hair grow out as well, but it really bothers him when his hair gets in his eyes.  

On top of that, getting his hair cut is probably one of the worst sensory experiences for him, second to getting his hair washed. So even if I could cut hair with a bit of competency, I’m not sure if I could cut his hair safely. 

My go to plan so far, is that once he is sleeping, I would just do my best in trying to cut his bangs in a straight line.

I have horrible flash backs of my mom yelling at me, ” Just cut it in a straight line!” Easier said then done, I could never cut a straight line.


All that being said, an online hair cutting course has been brought to my attention through an Autism group I belong to.  

The creator of the course, Vaughan LeFort is a licensed hairstylist and professional instructor from one of the top beauty schools in Canada. He also has years of experience working in various social services programs in life skill development.

Vaughan brings all these skills together to help families overcome challenges like hair cutting. 

What this means is that the course is very well suited for families who have children with anxiety and sensor issues. The course will walk you though a comprehensive step-by-step 4 module program with uniquely designed hair cutting techniques to ease a child’s anxiety when getting a haircut.

I am very excited and I can’t wait to take the course. Scroll down for the link to the course and sign up to get on our launch date notification list which will give you 10% off the course.

StyleAbility – Learn to do professional Haircuts at home

What you’ll learn

  •    How to do professional quality haircuts at home
  •    How to incorporate specialized techniques that can reduce your child’s stress
  •    Methods and techniques to make it easy and fun
  •    All types of modern haircuts for your family
  •    The tips and tricks that professional use to get those great results

Haircuts can now be customized to meet a child’s unique needs. This is achieved by incorporating our specialized strategies and principles and applying them to the haircutting process.

It’s not out yet but you can pre-register for 10% off. 


Students are required to have a hair cutting kit consisting of;

  • Clippers
  • Trimmers
  • Scissors
  • Cape
  • Comb
  • Clips & Ties
  • Tripod
  • Practice Doll Head


The cost of the course is listed at $175 CA with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. And remember that if you send them an email today and get their launch date notification list you will get 10% of the course when it launches.

Sign Up

It looks like the website is still under a bit of construction. Right now when you go to sign up, it takes you to a page with an inquiry box. The message box did not work for me personally, so I just sent them an email, letting them know I for sure want to take this course and would love the 10% discount.

Be sure to check it out, the program sounds awesome and with a 30 day money back guarantee you can’t go wrong.

If I get any more updates I will also post them here. Be sure to check back.

Click Here –>> StyleAbility Online Hair Cutting Course

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