24 different faces with different emotions

How To Deal With Feelings

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I’m really working hard on dealing with emotions. Although I thought I work through my feelings when they come up, I think what I am really doing is suppressing.

I was drawn to Christine Hassler because of her book Expectation Hangover. I’m full of expectations, of myself and of others.

When I’m doing my thing and focused on my goals, I don’t think to much about my expectations.

But when I start feeling low, I start looking around for outside motivation and inspiration, and when that falls short, that’s when all my expectations that aren’t being met rear their ugly head.
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Instead of truly breaking it down to the root feelings, I end up settling on, it’s no ones job to meet my expectations, I need to suck it up and figure it out myself.

I thought that was dealing with the feelings, but I’m realizing now that it hasn’t been.

I’m looking forward to reading Christine’s book.

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Click on the image below to order The Expectation Hangover through Amazon.

How To Deal With Feelings

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