Forgetting to Take Your Pills? Here’s How to Remember

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Missing doses of medication, forgetting to take your pills or forgetting that you already took your pills can have serious consequences. That’s why it’s important to find a strategy that works for you when it comes to remembering your medication. If you’re someone with ADHD, then this is especially important as the demands of life can be overwhelming and it can be hard to keep track of all the things you need to do. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies that can help! Here are some ideas on how to remember to take your pills every day. 

Set Up Reminders 

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you remember to take your medication is by setting up reminders. Whether it’s with an alarm on your phone or a sticky note on the bathroom mirror, reminders can be incredibly helpful in reminding us of important tasks and habits we need to stay on top of. The key is finding a reminder system that works best for you. Some people prefer visual cues while others respond better to audible alarms—try out different systems until you find one that works for you! 

Did You Take Your Pills? | The Original Pill Reminder & Tracker by DYFTD

Did you take your pills? DYFTD Pill Reminder & Tracker is a simple pill reminder that can be used in your home. The sign features a color-coded system to easily identify when the medication was taken or not taken. Green means the pill has been taken, silver means it has not yet been taken. Easy to use and no batteries required!

AUVON Bluetooth Smart Pill Box with Alarm & Phone Notification

AUVON bluetooth smart pill box has a simple and elegant design. It is the best way to take care of your health!

With its built-in alarm, you can set it up so that you will never forget to take your pills again. You can also check how many pills are left in the day by just pressing a button.

Use Pill Boxes 

Pill boxes can also be incredibly useful for people who have difficulty remembering their medications. Having everything organized and laid out in front of them makes it easier for them to keep track of when they’ve taken their meds and when they haven’t. Plus, pill boxes often come with timers so that they will remind you when it’s time for another dose! Just make sure that if you’re using this method, you’re filling up the box correctly each week so that it doesn’t become confusing or overwhelming.  

TimerCap Automatically Displays Time Since Last Opened

Never forget again if you’ve already taken your medicine. TimerCap is a patented, easy to use pill-bottle timer that will automatically display the amount of time since it was last opened.

It’s so simple: Just close the TimerCap and the stopwatch automatically counts up the seconds, minutes, and hours. The stopwatch can be reset at any time by opening or closing the cap. So you’ll always know exactly how long it’s been since your last dose.

Create a Visual Cue 

Sometimes having something visual in front of us helps us remember what we need to do – after all, a picture speaks a thousand words! This could mean putting a note up somewhere prominent where you’ll see it regularly – like next to your toothbrush – or writing yourself sticky notes and sticking them around the house in places like the fridge or bathroom mirror. You could also get creative with this one by creating colorful printables with pictures of each pill bottle that can be hung up in plain view. 

Pill Reminder-Pill Tracker

Pill Reminder and Tracker– never forget to take your medication again! This clever device has a scratch off surface that you can use to mark off each time you take your pills.

Pill Popper – Memory Aid Medication Dose Tracker

Looking for a clever way to keep track of your medication doses? Pill Popper is here to help! This handy little device helps keep track of your daily dosage for the week. No more worrying about whether or not you’ve taken your pills – Pill Popper will take care of it all for you!

Pill Tracker Printable

Another great way to help you remember to take your pills is by using a pill tracker printable. Download, print and simply place the printable somewhere you’ll see it regularly, like on the fridge or even next to your bed. Each day, simply take a pen or marker and fill in the corresponding slot for each pill you take. This can help you remember to take your medication as well as keep track of how many pills you have left! 

Remembering to take pills every day isn’t always easy—especially if you have ADHD—Nevertheless, with some of these ingenious and creative tools outlined above, you’re sure to find a solution that works for you and makes it easier than ever before to manage your medication, vitamins or anything else you need to take regularly. Here’s to staying on top of your health!

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