lady with eyes closed a smile and hands over her heart

I Am Grateful – Thank you Universe

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I am so grateful for this nice comfy over-sized sweater that is keeping me warm as I write this.

I am so grateful the kids left a blanket on the couch in the basement so I can snuggle and stay warm, thank you my babies.

Today's Gratitude

Thank you Shonda Rhimes and Olive Pope for pairing wine and popcorn together, mommy and daddy have their wine and popcorn and the kids have hot chocolate and popcorn.

I am so thankful that I can create these warm and fuzzy family traditions with them.

Thank you Canadian Tire for your Wow catalogue.

I showed the kids the joy of going through and checking off everything you want, now we get to sit together as a family and pair it down for Christmas.

Canadian Tire Wow Catalogue

I am so grateful for the nice hot shower I’m going to take after I finish folding all the nice warm clothes out of the dryer.

I am so grateful the kids are back in school today and it’s just me and my little guy.

I am so grateful for Madbarz, their app and nutrition guide are keeping me moving in the right direction of my fitness and health goals.

I am so grateful I woke up early to write this and that all my little ones are still sleeping soundly.

Thank you my cozy slippers for keeping my feet warm.

Thank you Cladwell for picking out what I should wear today, I love knowing it’s not something I have to think about.

I know some may think it’s early, but thank you Christmas music for filling my heart with warm fuzzy holiday joy.

Thank you universe.
Happy Thursday.

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