Everyone loves Love Bug Crafts. The term love bug has many meanings. It can be used to describe a couple who are in love or a cute bug that is symbolically used to decorate Valentine’s related items or crafts. Since we want to be sweet to our loved ones, why not incorporate the concept of a love bug into a lollipop?!
In this activity, we will use a lollipop to create a cute, edible love bug. Let’s begin!
Step 1: Prepare all the material needed:
- Red cardboard
- Pink construction paper
- A pair of googly eyes
- A piece of red pipe cleaner
- lollipops
- hot glue
- Scissors

Step 2: Hot glue the googly eyes on the lollipop head.

Step 3: Cut two small hearts from the red cardboard.

Step 4: Cut a smaller pink heart from the pink cardboard.

Step 5: Glue the pink paper on the red board.

Step 6: Glue the two hearts together on the lower tips of the heart. This should look like a bug wing.

Step 7: Hot glue the wings of the love bug. This can be on the part near the intersection of the stick and the lollipop head.

Step 8: Cut the pipe cleaner into half.

Step 9: Bend the pipe cleaner into two equal parts then make some curves using your fingers. Be creative on the curves that you make. This will be the antenna of the love bug.

Step 10: Hot glue the antenna on top of the head, just above the eyes.

Step 11: Finally finished! You can now display or give your cute lollipop love bug to your friends or loved ones!

Lollipop love bugs can be served at kid parties and the kids will definitely love them. They can also be given as gifts this Valentine’s Day. Just make sure to make a bundle of them for a cuter appearance. You can also adjust the designs on the wings and the antenna to give several looks on the love bugs. Why don’t you try making this?! This will be a fun activity for sure.
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