two ladies in workout clothes smiling

Miley Cyrus Workouts

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Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. As an Amazon Associate I also earn from qualifying purchases.

Have you seen the quote,

Bodybuilding is an art. Your body is the canvas, weights are your brush and nutrition is your paint.

It’s one of my favorite quotes. Celebrities can provide great inspiration of what your canvas could look like.

Check out this list of celebrities heights along with their weights to get a better idea of what your goal weight might need to be if you have a specific look in mind for your canvas.

1 thought on “Miley Cyrus Workouts”

  1. Miley Cyrus has acquired a much fitter body after switching to gluten free diet and regular workouts. The starlet has been displaying her toned body lately. The singer had been visiting the local gyms to make her body look more enviable. She has also shown her worriedness on gaining weight by tweeting different tweets.

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