Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement as a Christian 

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A personal mission statement is a declaration of what you want to be, do, and have in life. It’s a powerful tool that helps guide your decisions, big or small. As Christians, there is an added layer because our personal mission statements should align with the will of God and reflect his teachings. So how can we go about crafting a personal mission statement that is rooted in our faith? 

Define Your Values 

Before we can craft our mission statement, it’s important to first establish our values—the beliefs and principles that guide us. We can start by considering what scriptures mean the most to us and what values they emphasize. For example, if we are drawn to the parable of the Good Samaritan then perhaps one of our core values would be compassion for others. Once we identify these values, it’s easier to set goals and objectives that align with them. 

Living Out Your Faith with Intentionality 

Writing your personal mission statement helps you live out your faith with intentionality. It allows you to take the time to really think through what it means to be a Christian, and how that impacts your life decisions on a day-to-day basis. It gives clarity to how your beliefs should guide the way that you interact with others, as well as how you choose to spend your time and resources. 

Start by Brainstorming Your Values and Principles

The first step in writing a personal mission statement is to brainstorm the core values and principles that guide your life. Ask yourself: what do I believe? What do I stand for? What makes me unique? Write down all of these answers on paper or in an electronic document. Once you have identified your values and beliefs, it will be easier to craft an effective mission statement. 

Make sure that these statements align with biblical teachings. For example, if one of your core values is compassion, make sure that this value finds root in scripture (i.e., “Be kind and compassionate to one another” – Ephesians 4:32). This will ensure that the mission statement is rooted in God’s word and not just pulled out of thin air. 

Identifying Our Strengths 

As Christians, part of living out our faith means leveraging our individual strengths—those things that come naturally and come relatively easily for us—to serve others. Identifying those strengths can help us create goals that reach beyond ourselves, but still benefit from who we are as individuals. Take some time to think through where your interests lie and what you enjoy doing; this could give you some insight into your unique skillset. 

Writing Our Mission Statement   

Now it’s time to write! Start by writing down all of your thoughts related to your values and strengths, then organize them into a single sentence or phrase that captures who you are, what you hope to do in life, and how you plan on getting there—your mission statement! Don’t worry if it sounds awkward at first; take some time over a few days or weeks to consider different words or phrases until it feels just right.

Start your sentence or phrase by introducing yourself, then add detail about who you are as a person–mention any talents or abilities, important experiences or relationships, etc.–and end with why you exist (which should focus on doing good works). Keep it short but powerful – no more than two paragraphs! Here’s an example of what a Christian mission statement could look like: 

I am [name], a child of God, created in His image and likeness. I am blessed with many gifts such as [list any talents/abilities]. Throughout my life I have been shaped by many experiences such as [list any significant experiences]. My purpose on earth is to use my gifts to bring glory to God through acts of kindness, love, peace-making, mercy, etc.. I strive each day to live according to His word so that He may be glorified through my actions. 

Then share it with friends or family so they can hold you accountable during times when staying on course isn’t easy!  

Conclude With Prayer 

Once you have written out your mission statement, take some time for prayerful reflection on its content. Ask God for His guidance in living out this personal mission statement each day; ask Him for strength when times get tough; ask Him for wisdom when making decisions; ask Him for discernment when navigating challenging situations; ask Him for courage when facing fear or doubt…these are all things we need during our earthly journey! And don’t forget the power of gratitude—thank Him for allowing us this opportunity to serve Him here on earth!  

Conclusion: Crafting a personal mission statement as a Christian takes thoughtfulness, but it is worth the effort! Establishing our core values helps bring clarity to what matters most while understanding our individual gifts gives direction on how best we can use them in service of others. With these elements combined into one cohesive statement, we have something tangible that reminds us not only who we are meant to be but also whom we serve each day — God himself!

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