
Foundational Habits

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Foundational HabitsPin

I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome. I need to post this quote everywhere!

Here to be AwesomePin

I wanted to share with you my “21 day challenges”, the things in my life I’m working on improving and the tools or resources I’ve been using to help me do that.

I’ve been working really hard the last two months, on simplifying my life. I’ve been focusing on key habits that will make sure the important things get done.

Note: These are important things to me, that make me feel good and make my life easier. They may not be YOUR important things.


Clothes & Laundry

The capsule wardrobe has been amazing, fun, enlightening and life changing.


House Cleaning

I’ve tried many different house cleaning chore systems, all which are great, but they never addressed the issue that you still need to schedule time to clean and tidy shit up.

Scheduling 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes after coming home and 15 minutes in the evening has been working perfectly.

It doesn’t seem like much when you do it, but 45 minutes of cleaning, tidying and decluttering every day, starts making a noticeable difference when you’re consistent. And it’s plenty of time to add in some Flylady missions.



I went from over 2000 emails in my inbox to Inbox Zero. I don’t hit Inbox Zero every day, but so far I’m getting there at least twice a week. I signed up for a free account at and used that to help me unsubscribe from over 200 email lists. has been the difference from the number of times I’ve tried to get control of my email in the past.


Meditation & Journaling 

I have started using the free versions of Headspace and Calm, to guide me through 10 minutes a day of meditation. Right after I meditate, I pull out the 5 Minute Journal on my phone.

Headspace: Meditation techniques for mindfulness, stress relief & peace of mind

Calm – Meditate, Sleep, Relax –


What’s Next

I’ve made a number of habit changes that I’m trying to acclimate to. I want to make sure they stick. The habits above, have a great impact as a foundation, but they are the easy habits, what I call the procrastination habits.

Now it’s time to work on the habits that come with more resistance, but also come with more rewards and more noticeable and measurable results.

It’s easy to never set the foundation habits permanently. You start them and then let them slide, then you need to start them again. It’s the perfect way to keep you distracted for years. It means you never have to get to the stuff that really scares you, the stuff that can really have a tremendous impact on your life.


The hard stuff – Fear of failure, Fear of Success, Fear of who knows what else

I was going to go into a back story to all these other areas that I want to create better habits around, I’ve decided to save those for other blog posts.

The next areas of focus will be clean eating, exercising, writing and more frequent tracking of finances.

Other than the writing, I still considered these areas to be foundational habits. Meaning, you really need to have a handle on these areas to be healthy, and have the energy to live life at your full potential. But these areas come with much more resistance and challenges than laundry, cleaning, email, meditation and journaling.

Well, that’s it for now. I’d love to hear what things you are currently working on and if you have any tools or resources you’ve found helpful.


Talk to you soon. Remember, be AWESOME!

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