Improving your life a little every day.
If you haven’t see the Back to Eden Garden documentary be sure to check it out.
Getting Quality mulch can be challenging.
If you’re looking to create a Back to Eden garden you know finding that much mulch, wood chips with green matter are nearly impossible to find going to a garden center.
Some cities have compost and mulch days but you are going to be fighting to be first and you have to load it all up yourself.
Imagine just typing in the type of wood you are looking for and having it delivered right to your door for free.
Chip Drop helps homeowners and gardeners by giving them access to inexpensive mulch they can use to landscape their yard and improve the health of their gardens.
Chip Drop helps arborists by giving them access to hundreds of nearby places to empty their dump trucks, saving them time, fuel expenses, and dumping fees.
Chip Drop is a green company keeping tons of wood waste out of landfills, reducing the distance arborists drive, giving gardeners access to locally sourced mulch and helping homeowners save gallons of water per day in yards.
Chip Drop is available in most major cities in the US, and a few in Canada. Send them an email, to see if your city is covered.