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Don’t let your mind go vacant while you’re still talking or thinking – Get rid of brain fog by waking up and getting moving.
If you are wondering what brain fog is, it’s basically just the opposite of when you feel calm, optimistic, level-headed If you’re wondering what brain fog is, it’s simply the polar opposite of when you’re calm, optimistic, level-headed and driven. It’s easy to see why it might take away one’s pleasure and inspiration, which raises the risk of sadness and anxiety. Even the medical community has yet to accept this “condition” as a genuine, unique health issue in medical literature; brain fog is frequently referred to as a “mild cognitive impairment.” And Coffee, does not assist!

Brain fog, or “foggy head,” is the inability to comprehend or remember anything. Your ability to recall things deteriorates; normal cognitive activities become difficult; and so on.
It may occur one time and then never return; it might be frequent or even stay for a long time; it can follow an increase in other anxiety symptoms and feelings of worry. It’s possible that it’s little, but it could also be severe, coming in bursts where it is powerful at one moment but weak the next.
There are a variety of medical issues that might cause brain fog, so it’s a good idea to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. If your doctor determines that your cognitive fog is due to anxiety and there is no underlying medical reason for concern, this is excellent news. The following diseases or situations contribute to cognitive fog:
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you might be suffering from brain fog.
When stress hormones are released, it sends a message to the brain that indicates danger is present and activates our “stress response.” As a result of this, the rationalizing regions of our brains are suppressed, increasing the intensity of our reaction to fear.
When the brain begins to operate differently, we become more aware of danger and react quicker to it. The stress response is sometimes activated too often or too strongly, resulting in an increase in brain activity. The electrical activity in the brain rises as a result of greater activity, which leads to an expansion of our thoughts and a loss of attention.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Dementia
- Fibromyalgia
- Anemia
- Diabetes
- Sjögren syndrome
- Migraine
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Autoimmune diseases like arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis
- Lyme Disease
- Tick Bite Fever
- Celiac Disease, and other
The more stressed we are, the more persistent our brain fog becomes. Our stress reactions can harm the memory and learning sections of our brains, making it harder for our brains to retain information.
When our stress levels rise, our bodies are taxed; we become weary and exhausted, unable to function properly or retrieve information. According to research, the brain fatigues faster than other parts of the body. An exhausted mind has a harder time thinking, remembering things, and reasoning than what his body is able to withstand.
It is clear from the above that stress plays a major role in brain fog, and it can negatively affect short-term memory. People who experience chronic anxiety usually have the habit of being internally focused; they worry about what others think or say to them–they’re easily distractible because their thoughts are so busy running through all those ‘what if’ situations life throws our way. This makes any task more difficult for these individuals since they often become obsessed with thinking things through until there’s no time left over on anything else!
When people encounter these levels and short-term memory difficulties, they frequently begin to question if they are “losing it.” They think they may be on the verge of a mental breakdown. Worrying about it just adds to the body’s already overworked nervous system.
When you’re experiencing brain fog as a result of active stress responses, the first step is to relax and contain the worrisome behavior. The end of hectic and active stress reactions is unquestionably more simple to say than done! But it’s quite probable that it will be the end of your brain fog.
You can be confident in the knowledge that when your body’s stress has returned to normal, your brain fog will go away. Simply stated, brain fog is a typical indication that your body is overly stressed – it’s just a matter of time. Managing your stress is essential, and there are no simple cures for it. It entails reducing the active stress responses of your body.
Unfortunately, some physicians prescribe Ritalin and Adderall to cure brain fog. These can assist for a time, but they may also exacerbate symptoms in the long run. However, the fact is that brain fog is generally caused by diet, and most individuals are aware of this; in reality, many people would be shocked to learn how much diet influences a number of medical problems.

Let’s look at some more reasons that might lead to brain fog.
When you’re exhausted, your brain’s performance is seriously hampered. All states of stress drain away your ability to get enough rest, and inadequate amounts of sleep can harm your brain’s cortical levels.
Blood sugar imbalances
Your brain requires glucose from the blood to work properly; to maintain your attention and memory.
When your blood sugar levels drop, it acts like an alarm system in the brain, and when you skip meals, particularly breakfast and lunch, you’re endangering your blood sugar. You develop a desire for sugar as a result of this toxic inflation, which harms brain health when you succumb.
Start your day off on the right foot by eating a nutritious breakfast consisting of minimally processed real foods. A wonderful breakfast example might be oatmeal or ground flax seeds, Chia seeds, coconut, and pineapple on top.
Depression and anxiety
Who wants to be depressed or anxious? There’s no way! And yet the way we live our lives, as well as what and how much we eat, might contribute to these two terrible health problems. Depression deactivates brain signaling since nerve cells are harmed and can no longer fire on all cylinders.
Depression and anxiety have an impact on our attention, memory, and mental sharpness. There are many causes of depression and anxiety, including trauma, life circumstances, inflammation, fluctuations in your gut microbiome, nutritional deficiencies, dairy intolerance, and a variety of other reasons.
Disruptions in your microbiome
If your gut microbiome is disrupted, for example by candida (a naturally occurring yeast) overgrowth, it can produce anxiety, tiredness (as previously said), and sadness, which might lead to you being in a low-level intoxicated condition comparable to drinking too much alcohol. Your memory, attention, and concentration abilities are hampered. Your gut’s microflora may be harmed by your diet, stress, and use of antibiotics, as well as other stomach issues like leaky gut and so on. If you’re experiencing brain fog, it’s critical that you heal your microbiome health.
It’s not a made-up phrase! It’s genuine, and it happens when components of your immune system and chemicals cause bodily inflammation. The inflammation breaches the blood-brain barrier (BBB), resulting in brain inflammation.
Anything that increases inflammation in the brain (such as a cold, allergies, lack of sleep or poor diet) is linked to ‘brain-inflammation,’ which can lead to depression, anxiety, foggy thinking and worse—dementia.
The first step is to figure out what caused the inflammation, since foods that cause inflammation should be avoided. Gluten, cereal/flour products, and dairy, grain-fed meat are just a few examples.
Other causes of ‘brain fog’ and ‘brain inflammation,’ such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, chronic tiredness syndrome, nutritional deficiencies, hypothyroidism, and other infections or viruses that induce brain fog and ‘brain inflammation,’ should also be investigated.
Insufficient nutrients
It is critical to provide the brain with nutrients it needs in order for it to function properly, as this will help reduce inflammation. The building blocks of our brains, proteins, are great supplements since they keep our brains operating correctly.
The ideal fats from walnuts, avocados, and pecans are also crucial. These form the structure of healthy cells, including nerve cells, and provide them structure.
Green vegetables and dark berries should never be neglected, no matter how much light green vegetables you eat. In fact, the brain needs a lot of B vitamins to function correctly – a shortage of B12 will cause cognitive difficulties. Brain fog is another symptom of anemia. High protein meals with plenty of natural iron sources have been shown to boost cognitive function in just 4 months.
Hormonal imbalances
When our hormones are out of balance, we can anticipate to see changes in our brain function. Our mental clarity is definitely put to the test when hormone imbalances occur. If you have any symptoms or ailments that may be linked to hormonal imbalance, you must correct it.
Thyroid and Adrenal Imbalances
The thyroid has an important role in maintaining brain health. Hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) has the ability to alter your cognitive performance, affecting memory and concentration to the point that it may lead to dementia.
Medication Side Effects
Some medicines, particularly antihistamines, anti-anxiety medications, blood pressure lowering drugs, urinary incontinence treatments, sleep and pain medications, and even some antibiotics can cause brain fog and memory problems.
If you’re on a new medication and your mental sharpness has decreased or vanished, seek medical help.
Did you know that water accounts for 73% of your brain? This indicates that even minor dehydration might have an impact on your body. You may have observed how runners and marathoners become disoriented and perplexed at the end of a significant race.
According to studies, being 2% dehydrated can have an impact on your mental capacity. Mild dehydration might alter your attention, concentration, short-term memory, and visual perception.
Sedentary lifestyle
You need to exercise, regardless of your age, condition, or ailment. This includes cognitive fog. Aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping and causes you to sweat is what activates the areas of your brain involved in memory, thinking, and learning.

Researchers have also noted that individuals who spend many hours sitting had some of their brain regions thinned. It’s due to the fact that sitting inhibits and restricts blood circulation throughout the body. Another consequence is that brain oxygen and stimulation of hormones that promote the generation and growth of new neurons are both restricted.
Exercising puts you in a happier mood by reducing cortisol and promoting endorphins, the happy hormones, as well as combating brain fog, inflammation, stress and anxiety.
It affects everyone, regardless of age
Brain fog is not normal in one’s twenties, and it’s not typical to have brain fog when one is in one’s sixties and seventies, or beyond. It isn’t a symptom of getting older.
It’s a symptom that something is wrong with your mind. You should be able to age with all of your cognitive processes fully operational. Of course, our brains deteriorate as we get older, but if they are kept healthy and flexible, we shouldn’t notice any loss in mental clarity or function.
Bodies communicate a great deal; therefore, when we experience symptoms, it’s our bodies informing us that something needs to change – whether that be in terms of food or lifestyle, our environment or self-care.
Do you have to visit a physician for foggy thinking?
If your brain fog does not improve despite the treatments, it is likely that one or more of the issues listed above is causing it. Your doctor will do a physical examination if you don’t feel better after using these natural remedies for brain fog. They’ll learn about your mental health, nutrition, physical wellbeing, current medicines, and so on.
Tell your doctor about all the symptoms so he can figure out what’s causing your brain fog. Tests of blood will provide a lot of information to your doctor, who will use it to decide if further study is necessary.
If you’re experiencing any cognitive problems that aren’t typical, or if you’ve had a fever and had difficulty thinking, go see your doctor. They will perform a thorough neurological examination to determine the cause of your concerns.
The fact is, you shouldn’t ignore brain fog since it’s your body communicating with you and stating, “pay attention to me – I’m talking!” You must pay attention since dementia is a present-day reality that is becoming more common.
Don’t just accept your cognitive cloudiness as tiredness or age and then move on. Find out what’s causing the problem so you can recover your clarity, focus, and memory fast. Brain fog, if not treated promptly, has the ability to wreak havoc on your personal quality of life. Consider this: you’re at work and forget to send important information to a key client? If you forget to turn off the oven, for example, or if you lose track of one of your kids’ birthdays? To get rid of brain fog and see the light, here are some potent brain supplements that will help you clear the cobwebs away:
Adaptogens: Maca, holy basil, and ashwagandha are examples of adaptogenic herbs. They aid in the reduction of cortisol levels, allowing your body to fight stress and tiredness.
Omega-3 oils Hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, brussel sprouts are all good sources of omega-3 fatty acid and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Magnesium plays an important role in the function of bones, muscles, and other tissues in the body. It is one of the most essential minerals for the human body because it is involved in over 350 biochemical reactions throughout the body, including communication between neurons. It’s a wonderful mineral supplement for brain fog since it aids with sleep as well as depression.
Epsom salt baths are great for eliminating any gut condition and ensuring that the magnesium is absorbed.
Acetylcholine, often known as Ach, is a key neurotransmitter that has been linked to memory loss and cognitive decline. Soybeans, pumpkin seeds, and almonds are all good sources of this nutrient.
Choline: Choline is an essential vitamin that the body needs to manufacture Ach. You might be suffering from brain fog because you don’t get enough of this crucial nutrient in your diet. A scarcity will have a significant impact on your physical and mental health. Broccoli and whole grains are excellent sources of choline.
Folate or folic acid is another important brain booster because a shortage can lead to cognitive deterioration. Improve your mental performance by adding folic acid to your diet or combining it with other B vitamins. Get plenty of leafy greens and beans (especially lentils) in your diet.
Phosphatidylserine, often called PS, is a phospholipid that supports cell membranes. It helps neurons grow and survive, reducing brain fog symptoms. Soy and white beans can help you reach your goals.
Lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint, and other essential oils have been shown in studies to help with brain fog. The most effective oils are high-quality therapeutic-grades that contain only natural components.
The conclusion is that there are solutions!
Brain fog has become a burden in our fast-paced, industrialized world. Many of the convenience foods and industrially farmed beef that we consume do not contribute to our brain health. It should be stated once more the importance of a balanced diet. You must be extremely cautious about what you put into your body if you want to achieve good results for any health problem.
You are doing your body and brain a big favor by avoiding sugar, refined carbohydrates, and all that processed food when you give it the correct micro-nutrients by eating healthy. You’re breathing life into it!
Stress is a major contributor to bodily ailments, so you must handle it by doing physical exercise, having fun hobbies that help you relax, socializing with good and happy friends, implementing mindfulness, and not forgetting there are wonderful counselors who may help.
These professionals are doctors who specialize in cognitive symptoms and can teach you how to cope with them. Neuropsychologists, vocational counselors, cognitive therapists, and even occupational therapists are all examples of this sort of expert.
When you have cognitive dysfunction like brain fog, you may lose your self-confidence and self-esteem as a result of how frequently depression and anxiety impact your daily life activities. You can develop coping skills and combat brain fog with the appropriate weapons, as aforementioned.
Take the time to research and learn what you can about your problem before deciding how to fix it. Even if you don’t have a complete answer, just focusing on one area at a time may provide remarkable results! You will discover that it was worthwhile when you see how wonderful you feel after applying certain ideas!
There are several wonderful natural therapies and treatments available to you right now – all of which are meant to help you cure and overcome brain fog completely!