The market today is filled with all sorts of quick fix solutions, which have been rolled out in an attempt to meet the needs of individuals living in a busy and hectic world.
This quick fix thinking is also seen in the healthy living sector where quick, efficient and high quality workouts are most common.
However, many people are skeptical when it comes to speedy exercising, as it does not seem possible that quick workouts can provide the kind of results witnessed in longer workouts.
This is where Tabata training comes in.
Tabata training offers high-intensity interval workouts that are performed in an extremely short amount of time.
This creation of Dr. Izumi Tabata aims to show you the efficiency of short workouts, as well as the power of interval training.
Tabata training is very simple to understand.
An entire Tabata workout lasts for just 4 minutes and these 4 minutes are broken down into 20 seconds of high intensity exercise followed by 10 seconds of low intensity exercise or rest.
You can either perform the same exercise repeatedly for 4 minutes or choose up to 8 different exercises to perform in 20 second bursts.
Though this workout seems simple and easy to accomplish on paper, it is extremely difficult and requires maximum effort throughout the 4 minute period.
As you complete the workout, you will experience a buildup of lactic acid in your muscles which will not be alleviated by the 10 second recovery periods.
This further elevates the intensity of the Tabata workouts and makes them one of the most grueling workouts you can participate in.

The high powered, intense nature of Tabata workouts helps you to burn up to 1000 calories per hour which works out at 67 calories per 4 minute Tabata workout.
It also helps to increase your metabolism and burn more body fat in the hours following your workout.
Tabata training can be performed with a wide range of different exercises.
Not only does this help keep your workout routines fresh and interesting but it also makes Tabata training ideal for beginners.
In the section below weβll be expanding on this topic and listing the top 10 Tabata exercises for beginners.
Exercise 1 β Burpees
Burpees are perhaps some of the most memorable gym class exercises, not because they were super fun but because they were super tough.
This total body exercise aims to work all your muscles, as well as increase your heart rate in a short amount of time.
The benefits of burpees are spectacular and include improved agility, endurance and power.
To perform burpees, follow the instructions below:
1. Stand with your feet about a hip-width apart
2. Squat low to the floor with your knees close to your chest and your hands placed on the floor in front of you.
3. Kick your feet back and down in an explosive movement so that you are in a push up position
4. Quickly push-off the ground and return to your original squat position.
5. From the squat position, jump as high as you can.
6. When you land, repeat steps 2-5 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 2 β Jumping Lunges
Lunges are hard enough as it is.
The jumping lunge is a plyometric exercise that requires additional power and strength and transforms traditional lunges into an even more difficult exercise.
This exercise targets your hamstrings, glutes and quads while also improving your cardiovascular fitness.
To perform the jumping lunge, follow the instructions below:
1. Start in an upright position with your feet together.
2. Lunge your right foot forward so that your knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. Your torso should be vertical and your core should be tight at this point.
3. Once you are in this stance, jump high into the air with your hands on your hips. While you are in the air, switch legs so that your left foot comes forward and land in a lunge position. Make sure you land softly on your front heel and your back toe for maximum impact absorption.
4. Once you land, jump high into the air with your hands on your hips. While you are in the air, switch legs so that your right foot comes forward and land in a lunge position. Make sure you land softly on your front heel and your back toe for maximum impact absorption.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 3 β Jump Rope
The jump rope is perhaps the easiest and cheapest piece of cardio equipment available on the market.
It gives all the muscles in your legs a fantastic workout while also boosting your cardiovascular fitness.
To properly jump rope, follow the instructions below:
1. Put the rope behind you and begin tapping your feet from side to side while alternating from your right foot to your left foot and standing in one place.
2. Start spinning the rope as you lightly tap your feet.
3. Do this continuously for 20 seconds.
Exercise 4 β Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are a fantastic total body exercise which adds intensity to your Tabata workouts.
This exercise increases your heart rate, builds the endurance in your legs and improves your agility levels.
You should begin performing the exercise slowly and then gradually increase your speed as you become more proficient with the exercise.
To perform mountain climbers, follow the instructions below:
1. Start from a push up position with your hands and toes on the floor.
2. Draw your right knee in towards your chest without elevating your hips, then rest your right foot on the floor.
3. Jump your legs off the floor and alternate your legs in the air, so that your left foot is now in front while your right foot is back.
4. Jump your legs off the floor and alternate your legs in the air, so that your right foot is now in front while your left foot is back.
5. Repeat steps 3-4 for as many repetitions as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 5 β Plank Jacks
Plank jacks are one of the simplest exercises to execute.
They do a great job of tightening your core muscles and also give you an effective cardio workout.
To perform plank jacks, follow the instructions below:
1. Support your entire bodyweight on your forearms and toes in a plank position, making sure that you keep your feet together, your core muscles tight and your back straight.
2. Hop your feet outwards so that they are apart in a Y shape.
3. Hop your feet back together.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 6 β Push Ups
Push ups are probably the most well-known Tabata exercises.
Theyβre super simple to perform and give you a great upper body workout.
To perform push ups, follow the instructions below:
1. Get into a plank position with your hands planted slightly wider than shoulder width apart, your feet together, your core muscles tight and your back straight.
2. Bend your arms and lower your body down towards the floor in a straight horizontal line, stopping when your nose touches the ground.
3. Straighten your arms and raise your body back up to the original position.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 7 β Superman
The superman is a great exercise for strengthening your back and exercising your hamstrings, glutes and core.
To perform the superman, follow the instructions below:
1. Lie face down on the ground with your arms reaching forward and your legs straight, making sure that you keep your core muscles tight and your spine neutral.
2. Lift your hands and feet up in the air while keeping your chest down. As you do this, squeeze your glutes and shoulders.
3. Lower your hands and feet back down onto the ground.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 8 β Squat Jacks
Squat jacks combine two popular bodyweight exercises β the bodyweight squat and the jumping jack.
They give your legs and cardiovascular system a very thorough workout. To perform squat jacks, follow the instructions below:
1. Squat down with your feet at least a shoulder width apart, your butt in line with your knees and your hands together in front of you.
2. Hold your butt in line with your knees, then hop your feet inwards so that they come together.
3. Hold your butt in line with your knees, then hope your feet outwards so that they are apart.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
Exercise 9 β Tabata Sprints
Tabata sprints are simply intense sprint periods that are carried out for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of either jogging, walking or rest.
You can choose to perform these sprints on your treadmill or outdoors.
To perform Tabata sprints, follow the instructions below:
1. Stand with your legs slightly bent, your back straight, your chest tall, your shoulders relaxed and your eyes looking forward.
2. Start sprinting forwards, making sure you swing your arms to increase your speed and keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle.
3. Sprint as far and fast as you can go for 20 seconds.
Exercise 10 β Windshield Wipers
Windshield wipers are a fantastic core exercise which are very easy to perform.
To perform windshield wipers, follow the instructions below:
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and lifted above your hips.
2. Place your arms flat and straight by your side so that your upper body forms a T-shape.
3. Rotate your hips and lean your knees to your right, twisting as far as possible without lifting your left shoulder off the ground and stopping just before your legs touch the ground.
4. Rotate your hips and twist your knees back to the original position.
5. Rotate your hips and lean your knees to your left, twisting as far as possible without lifting your right shoulder off the ground and stopping just before your legs touch the ground.
6. Rotate your hips and twist your knees back to the original position.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for as many reps as you can manage within 20 seconds.
As you can see, there are lots of simple but effective exercises you can try when youβre just getting started with Tabata training.
So give it a go today, start practicing these 10 Tabata exercises and begin enjoy the many benefits of 4 minute Tabata workouts.