Zen12 Guided Meditation on Youtube
Guided mediation on YouTube helps take away excuses not to meditate.
Most of the time when I think about how I should be meditating, my number one excuse is finding the time.
Some quite time away from my 3 kids where I can attempt to clear my mind, instead of thinking about homework, dinner time, bath time, when was the last time I cut their nails.
But apparently even a minute of focused time can have a positive impact.
A good game of hide and seek with the kids and I could probably get a few minutes in to meditate.

Any interviews of highly successful people, they always say they take time to meditate.
Zen12 makes it easy to get started.
I find that often when I try to get up early before the kids, their mommy senses kick in and they realize I am more than 5 feet away.
This often kills my ability to sit quietly first thing in the morning, so what I’ve been doing is, I leave my phone and headphones by the bed, so when I wake up and spend that extra 12 minutes laying in bed meditating.
Note, this doesn’t work well if you’re really tired, you tend to fall back asleep.
This habit of meditating before I get up is a great indication of how well rested I am and if I need to be getting to bed earlier.
Remember you don’t need to spend even 20 minutes to benefit from meditation.
And don’t get discourage if you feel it’s to hard to clear your mind.
If you’re attempting to be present and are observing your thoughts as they pass by you are doing it right.
The purpose of meditation is to detach from your thoughts, not to empty your mind but slow it down and gain perspective, to realize you are not your thoughts.
Download your free meditation MP3s at zen12 gift.